5 Ways to Keep Your Kids’ Backs Strong and Healthy

Children's back pain from poor posture and heavy backpacks is preventable
Back pain and neck pain affect not only adults. Kids too are prone to aches and pains brought on by poor posture, carrying heavy backpacks and, well, by just being active kids. As parents, it’s our job to give our kids every advantage for an active, healthy life.

Look out for your kids’ spinal health with these 5 easy tips.

1. Posture: We’re raising a generation of slouchers. Kids everywhere are hunched over their smart phones and gaming systems. No one seems to look up anymore. Poor posture weakens shoulder and neck muscles, and puts stress on discs, joints and muscles of the back. This unnecessary stress speeds up the natural degenerative process of the spine. Teach your kids about proper posture and why it’s important. Not only will it help them to feel better, they’ll look better too!

2. Activity: Involve your kids in activities and sports that help to strengthen their core muscles (muscles that support the lower back and abdomen). Dance, gymnastics, weights, soccer, basketball. You name it. An active person is a healthier person.

3. Correct Backpacks: During the school year kids are laden with too heavy packs. These do more to strain and injure young kids backs than anything else. Make sure backpacks are the right size, are worn correctly, and are not overweighted. Read here to learn more.

4. Nutrition: What we eat impacts spinal health. A diet rich in calcium, glucosamine sulfate, antioxidants, Omega-3 fatty acids, soy and fibre can really boost growth and healing of soft tissues, the primary component of spinal discs. Read this nutrition article to learn more. Provide your kids with healthy foods that will provide them with spine-friendly nutrition.

5. Spinal Health Check-Up: Every child should have their spinal health checked by a back pain doctor, at least once a year. A healthy spine is central to the overall health of the body. As well, by properly addressing any “minor” aches and pains of the low back or neck, you can prevent small strains from becoming big health problems later on. No one is ever too young to have their spine checked.

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