7 Things You Need to Know About Back Pain

1. Pain itself is a symptom; it’s not enough to treat the symptom.
A symptom indicates that something is not right in your body. Treat the symptom – with rest, ice, medication—and it may go away. But if you do only that, you’re not addressing the cause of the pain. Leave the cause unchecked, and you will likely see the return of the symptoms.

We see this at Back Clinics of Canada all the time.

Our safe, high-tech treatments identify and target healing forces on the root cause of the pain. This is real, lasting care. We want patients to reclaim a pain-free life.

2. Serious back and neck pain is often caused by a compromised disc.
Patients come to Back Clinics of Canada with diagnoses of sciatica, bulging disc, herniated disc, or degenerative disc disease. These are different ways of saying: “the spinal disc has been weakened and damaged, it is pressing on a nerve, and the nerve is sending out a pain signal.” Patients may have experienced an acute event, such as an accident or injury. Or, the condition may have developed over time due to lifestyle, genetics, diet, or inactivity.

These conditions and others, such as spinal arthritis or facet syndrome, can be successfully treated at our Toronto back pain clinic.

3. Back pain can lead to sickness in other parts of the body.
Our nerve system networks down through the spine, and then branches out to various parts of the body. The nerve “network” carries information from the brain to various body parts and tells that body part to operate and how to operate.

When a damaged spinal disc presses on a nerve, the particular nerve is then irritated and may become compromised. If this happens, then the “information” passing along the nerve can get jumbled.

For example, if a nerve that directs the digestive system is compromised, a person will have digestive problems. If a nerve that directs the reproductive system is compromised, a person will have reproductive problems. Often a patient will complain of numbness or tingling in the arms and feet. There is really not anything directly wrong with their arms or feet. The problem is originating in their spine.

When you suffer with back pain or neck pain, your whole body suffers.

Not only does Dr. Nusbaum treat painful problems of the back and neck, but patients often tell him that their other symptoms vanish as their spine heals. Dr. Nusbaum also teaches patients how to maintain their new health after treatment.

4. Back pain (or neck pain) is not something you have to live with.
Many patients come to us after having tried many back pain or neck pain therapies and treatments, with no success. Our unique healing system is helping those patients, even some who have had failed surgery.

Qualified* patients experience remarkable results when they adhere to the program prescribed by Dr. Nusbaum. Some patients who had surgery scheduled have become pain-free and were able to cancel their surgeries. We’ve even been able to help some post-surgical patients. But please, make Back Clinics of Canada your first call, not your last desperate one.

5. Treatment does not have to be invasive, or require medication.
Your body was designed to regenerate and heal naturally. Think about it…. You get a cut and you heal. You donate blood and your body generates more. Your liver re-generates. Your broken bones grow back together.
Our treatments are built around that philosophy.

Back Clinics of Canada treatments create an environment in which your spinal discs can revitalize and heal. Our specialized care actually helps bulging and herniated discs to retract, rehydrate and absorb water, oxygen and nutrients needed to heal. Discs can actually restore to a natural healthier state. Injured and damaged soft tissue repairs. Compromised nerves start functioning properly. Our goal is to heal the problem so the pain will go away in a quick and lasting way.

6. Back Clinics of Canada successfully treats back pain and neck pain.
Dr. Nusbaum first identifies the root cause of pain by using advanced, cutting-edge diagnostics and examinations. Through a unique, proprietary, integrated healing system his goal is to eliminate the root cause by offering appropriate, patient-specific care for robust, accelerated, lasting healing.

Back Clinics of Canada’s High Performance Healing SystemTM is helping patients achieve the highest success rate for true healing that we’ve ever seen before—even for the most complicated cases.

7. Only Back Clinics of Canada offers the High Performance Healing SystemTM.
Dr. Ron Nusbaum has spent years developing what is today the most effective program of care for treating even the most difficult back and neck pain conditions. It’s become so successful that his care has been the subject of numerous television and radio interviews and has attracted patients from the world over.

* Not every patient is a candidate for care. Certain conditions may preclude one from treatment. Call today for a free consultation/examination and learn if you are a candidate for care.

You deserve a pain-free life.