Degenerative Disc Disease: Definition, Causes and Treatment Options

What is Degenerative Disc Disease?

What are the Symptoms of Degenerative Disc Disease?

What are the Causes of Degenerative Disc Disease?

What are the Treatment Options for Degenerative Disc Disease?

Degenerative Disc Disease Success Stories

What is Degenerative Disc Disease?

Degeneration of the spinal discs is often considered a normal part of aging. For most people, this condition The spine with degenerative disc diseasecauses no symptoms. But for some individuals, disc degeneration can cause serious pain. This pain is predominantly felt in the lower back, hips, and down the legs. There might even be tingling and weakness of the knees. Pain may increase with sitting, bending, lifting, and twisting.

Degenerative disc disease can also cause neck pain that moves through the upper spine, and through to the shoulders arms and hands.

The spine is made up of 24 moveable bones called vertebrae. In between each of the bones is a natural cushioned shock absorber called an intervertebral disc, or simply, a disc. It’s made of soft connective tissue called collagen. The fibers of the connective tissue keep the disc firm and resilient to withstand tension and pressure. As we move through our daily lives, the discs help our spine to move easily and absorb torsion and pressure that comes with heavy lifting, running, twisting and falling.

As we age it’s possible for a spinal disc to begin to degenerate. When this happens the soft tissue of the disc may begin to lose some of its water, a process called dehydration. As a result the disc can thin and weaken. The disc may then begin to collapse, causing the vertebrae to shift their position. If a disc shrinks in height, the nerve openings might decrease — a  pathology called stenosis. This typically causes nerve irritation and pain.

What are the Symptoms of Degenerative Disc Disease?

Degenerative disc disease affects people differently. Its impact ranges, causing serious, chronic, debilitating pain in the neck or lower back, to causing little trouble at all.

The pain of degenerative disc disease is predominantly felt in the lower back, hips, and down the legs. There might even be tingling and weakness of the knees. Pain may increase with sitting, bending, lifting, and twisting. 

Degenerative disc disease can also cause neck pain that moves through the upper spine, and through to the shoulders arms and hands.

Common Causes of Degenerative Disc Disease:

  • Main cause: natural aging. We can’t avoid it. As we age, the discs of the spine become drier and thinner.
  • Trauma: If there is an injury to the spine, the spinal discs may become inflamed, triggering the beginning of the process of degeneration. This can result in a disc bulge or herniation, as well as thinning of the disc.

Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment Options

Non-surgical spinal decompression at Back Clinics of Canada is highly effective in alleviating the pain of degenerative disc disease. Spinal decompression enables true healing of the affected spinal discs. It works by specifically directing the forces of spinal decompression to the damaged disc. The effect of the decompression forces is to create negative pressure (a vacuum) in the disc. This vacuum helps to draw water, oxygen and nutrients back into the disc. The process is revitalizing and improves disc height. Spinal decompression is highly effective because care is directed to the root of the problem – the damaged spinal disc(s).

Non-surgical spinal decompression is a component of the High Performance Healing System™, designed by Dr. Nusbaum for Back Clinics of Canada patients. Patients benefit from powerful, targeted healing. Treatment is safe, non-invasive, non-surgical, and highly effective.

Regardless of what it is that led to a serious, painful degenerative disc disease, the High Performance Healing System has proven time and time again that healing is possible and a pain-free life is attainable.

Contact Back Clinics of Canada today and schedule a consultation/examination with Dr. Nusbaum. Learn if you are a candidate for this program. And begin your path a pain-free life!

Degenerative Disc Disease Success Stories

Tom O. Degenerative Disc Disease Success Story


Tom suffered from intense neck pain caused by degenerative disc disease. The pain interfered with his sleeping, driving and work. It caused him to feel lethargic, irritable and impatient. After a few weeks of comfortable treatment with Dr. Nusbaum the pain went away! His recovery was 100%. Click on Tom’s image to read more!



Dianne T. Degenerative Disc Disease Success Story

Dianne T. suffered from severe back pain due to degenerative disc disease. It was so bad that it was hard to drive her car, stand for any length of time or exercise which is very important to Dianne. Dianne tried conventional chiropractic and physiotherapy but nothing worked for very long and couldn’t get rid of the pain. She has now completed care and is 100% pain free! Click on Diannes’ image to read more about how she got her life back!