Spinal Stenosis: Definition, Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Options

What is Spinal Stenosis?

What are the Symptoms of Spinal Stenosis?

What are the Causes of Spinal Stenosis?

What are the Treatment Options for Spinal Stenosis?

Spinal Stenosis Success Stories

What is Spinal Stenosis?

The spinal canal is the channel, or space, that holds the spinal cord. If the spinal canal unnaturally narrows andThe spine with spinal stenosis compresses, this is a condition called Spinal Stenosis. While some people are born with stenosis, it can also develop as one ages. This pinches and irritates the spinal cord and/or nerve roots. Lumbar (lower back) stenosis and cervical (neck) stenosis are the two most frequently seen types of spinal stenosis. Lumbar stenosis is more common. 

What are the Symptoms of Spinal Stenosis?

Compression of the spinal cord, and/or nerve roots, can cause inflammation, irritation, and pain. Secondarily, it can cause radicular pain, weakness and/or numbness. If the stenosis is in the lower back (lumbar), there may be hip and leg pain. If stenosis is in the neck (cervical), there can be pain tingling and numbness in the arms, a heavy feeling in the legs, and deterioration of fine motor skills.  There may also be occurrences of fever, nighttime pain, gait disturbance, structural deformity, unexplained weight loss, pain upon lying down, and presence of severe or progressive nerve deficit.

Symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis may include:

  • sciatica (tingling, weakness, or numbness that radiates from the low back and into the buttocks and legs)
  • pinched nerve
  • heaviness in the legs
  • pain when standing or walking for a long time

Symptoms of cervical spinal stenosis can be quite serious and may include:

  • major body weakness
  • paralysis

Common Causes of Spinal Stenosis:

Aging: Some types of degeneration in the spine occur naturally as one ages. The following changes can cause the spinal canal to narrow:

  • Bulging or herniation of spinal discs
  • Thickening of ligaments
  • Development of bone spurs
  • Breakdown of facet joints
  • Compression fractures in the vertebrae (seen more commonly in patients who have osteoporosis)
  • Formation of cysts on the facet joints

Arthritis: Osteoarthritis may be a direct cause of Spinal Stenosis

Heredity: One may be born with a narrow spinal canal, or have structural deformities of the vertebrae that cause narrowing of the spinal canal

Instability of the spine: If the vertebrae are not stable and begin to slip from their position, narrowing of the spinal canal can occur

Trauma: An accident or injury can dislocate the spine (and the spinal canal), or cause a fracture that sends bone fragments into the spinal canal

Tumors: Irregular soft-tissue growths on the spine can cause narrowing of the spinal canal

Spinal stenosis can also be caused by bone spurs, spondylolisthesis, soft-tissue inflammation or a herniated disc.

Spinal Stenosis Treatment Options:

Non-surgical spinal decompression is a component of the High Performance Healing System™, designed by Dr. Nusbaum for Back Clinics of Canada patients. Patients benefit from powerful, targeted healing. Treatment is safe, non-invasive, non-surgical, and highly effective.

Regardless of what it is that led to spinal stenosis, the High Performance Healing System has proven time and time again that healing is possible and a pain-free life is attainable.

Contact Back Clinics of Canada today and schedule a consultation/examination with Dr. Nusbaum. Learn if you are a candidate for this program. And begin your path a pain-free life!

Spinal Stenosis Success Stories

Marisa Spinal Stenosis Success Story

Marisa B. was diagnosed with spinal stenosis. Half way through the High Performance Healing program she found that she was in less pain, was able to stand for greater periods of time, had diminished leg numbness and standing and bending became much easier. She couldn’t lift anything without pain and was am now able to carry her baby granddaughter without pain. Having completed the program Marisa feels completely rejuvenated and has resumed her normal activities and day to day life. Click on her image to read more!



Dina R. suffered from spinal stenosis for fifteen years. She was unable to do basic housework, laundry, sweep the floor, walk or any of the day to day things she had been accustomed to doing. Dina completed the High Performance Healing System and can walk fairly long distances. She no longer has to crawl up the stairs, she can stand up straight and for long periods of time. When Dina goes to church she can bend down at the pews with ease and no longer has discomfort. Click on her image to read more about her recovery!