When to See a Lower Back Pain Specialist

Many People Suffer from Lower Back Pain

Pain is a signal to us that something is wrong. Lower back pain might be from a muscle sprain, but it can also indicate more serious problems. Some pain is located at the site of the source, but other pain can feel like it is coming from one place and actually be coming from somewhere else in the body. It is important to determine the cause of the pain.

Since back pain is so common, many people ignore the pain in the hope that it will go away on its own. Sometimes it does, but sometimes when the pain is warning you of a deeper problem, the pain gets worse.

So how do you know when to seek medical attention from a healthcare professional? First, you should get immediate medical attention for certain kinds of back pain, such as pain due to trauma (car accident or fall), when you have fever and/or redness at the site of the pain, or are experiencing neurological/nerve type problems. In the absence of these issues, many people manage their back pain by resting, exercising, losing weight, and taking pain medications. Having said that, it’s always a good idea if either you are unsure as to the severity of your problem and/or if your pain lasts more than a few days to get it checked out.

When You Need the Help of a Back Pain Specialist

If the pain persists, even with your self-help efforts, it may be time to see a back pain specialist to determine what is causing the chronic lower back pain. Diagnosing your problem can be complex. Your spine has 24 moveable bones, called vertebrae and is divided into 3 sections. The neck or upper section of the spine is called the cervical spine, the mid back is called the thoracic spine, and the lower back is called the lumbar spine. Between each of these vertebrae bones is a shock-absorbing pad called the disc, comprised of fibrous tissue surrounding a gel-like substance. It very much resembles a jelly doughnut. The discs provide shock absorption, act as a spacer pad determining the size of the nerve hole openings of the spine, and, permit spinal movement.

Because of how the spine is engineered, the lumbar section of the spine is subjected to a great deal of compression—more than the other discs in the spine. If the disc’s structure is compromised through trauma, the disc tissue may become damaged, causing the disc to fail. The tissues of the disc can rupture, the gel-like center can push out, causing a bulging disk, or it may protrude through the fibrous tissue causing a herniated disc. Your pain is very real—and thankfully in most cases very treatable—and most of the time, treatable without surgery or drugs.

Non-surgical Spinal Decompression Eases Lower Back Pain

Non-surgical Spinal Decompression to relieve lower back pain is part of a total program called the High Performance Healing SystemTM. Dr. Ron Nusbaum, of Back Clinics of Canada, developed this proprietary system. It is only available from Back Clinics of Canada.  The goal of this highly successful system of care is to maximize pain relief and healing in the shortest time possible. The program includes muscle strengthening to maintain spinal health, as well as a proprietary nutritional supplementation system called Disc Renewal PlusTM to support the body’s healing on the cellular lining of the damaged connective tissue, a primary component of the disc. The High Performance Healing SystemTM also includes ongoing high-tech evaluation to help you stay the course and finally with supportive exercises to assist with the improvement of spinal flexibility as well as core strengthening. Here are the components of High-Performance Healing SystemTM:

  • Class IV K-Laser Therapy: unprecedented healing and pain-relief with the most powerful and effective therapeutic laser in its class that exists in the world—assisting with wound healing of damaged disc by stimulating cell function, reducing inflammation and also reducing pain.  Most patients notice the effects of the laser immediately.
  • Non-surgical Spinal Decompression for the reduction of bulging or herniated discs which can cause back pain as well as sciatica which is the nerve pain which shoots into the thighs, legs and even ankle, feet and toes. The other benefit of spinal decompression is that it simultaneously rehydrates discs with oxygen, nutrients and water.  This is especially helpful for patients suffering with degenerative disc disease, and stenosis. The bottom line is that this part of the program is vital to help patients became pain free from even long standing back and/or neck pain.
  • Disc Renewal PlusTM, a proprietary nutritional supplementation system that supports healing of damaged connective tissue, a major component of discs
  • Ongoing non-invasive, high-tech exams to fine-tune care and enhance results: cutting edge technology is used to monitor your nerve and muscle function – you can actually see your progress
  • Back and neck muscle rehabilitation program to enhance flexibility, strength, and stability: a stronger back and neck supports your healthier spine
  • Post-care follow up

Says Dr. Nusbaum, “Living a pain-free life is within the reach of most patients. Speak to us at the Toronto pain clinic to set up an individualized plan to relieve pain and restore function.” This program can be the difference between living in debilitating pain and living an active, full life.

About Back Clinics of Canada

Back Clinics of Canada offers offers a ground-breaking, leading-edge system of care with the primary goal to offer targeted healing at the root cause of the problem. If the system of care you are currently undertaking is not getting you the healing results you want, it makes sense to look into the High Performance Healing SystemTM. Patients and doctors continually say that Back Clinics of Canada offers everything from routine care to more complex treatments and procedures for low back pain and neck pain.